How to ‘exit the dragon’


(Part 2 )
S. Bhattacharjee :
It is not very easy to keep of China from our everyday life even if we work with full patriotism.But a long term planning with a mass feedback to the administration is the best possible way for the showing the dragon and others  a permanent exit.Given below few plans that may force the dragon to exit from India and the country can really become atmanirvor ( self dependent).It took nearly 42 years for China to become a superpower in a concerted manner.India slept all these time and still in that mode need to wake up.

3) Software Park with government control Ravishankar Prasad  the heavyweight central minister recently said that  indians download much apps but upload very few. In fact it seems Raviji had forgotten than in past 60 years of Congress rule and last few years of BJP rule hardly any system evolved in IT sector where people will come with idea and money ( personal capital) and will have vendors will help those venturists to develop the app. There can be even bidding and lowest company will be awarded with the development. There are several plans attached to it that can be thought off. The government official who will remain attached with this will have partial  salary target driven. More the apps more will be their salary.

4) What India wants ( citizens maan ki baat)
There should be RTI accessible site by government in simple interface where citizens of India after registering can submit what they want in country. The government officials, whose salary partially be target driven , will assess and suggest what to do to the info seekers.The suggestions should not be utopian .But there is hardly any thinktank in government who can think in this manner. Not only that government have to reward the idea givers suitably.

5) Film and documentary  finance by government in revenue sharing model
Government have to start a well developed film , documentory financing corporation. Unlike NFDC this new or refurbished NFDC will be proactive and the goverment offcials manning it will get remuneration oin it’s earning. Nepotism, favouritism has to be kept out of this loop.
5) Public share in national infrastructure
In state run utilities like BSNL, railways etc verified Indian citizen will have an option to invest and get it’s profit. While this will open up a income source for the middle income group government subsidy will be reduced making the government coffer heavier to spend in health , education, housing and infrastructure.

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