How to ‘exit the dragon’ 


Soumendu Bhattacharjee:
It is not very easy to keep of China from our everyday life even if we work with full patriotism.But a long tern planning with a mass feedback to the adminstration is the best possible way for the showing the dragon a permanent exit.Given below few plans that may force the dragon to exit from India and the country can really become atmanirvor ( self dependent).

1) HR management
Though we see unemployment is rising yet you will hardly find a person in need to help you in work even for a payment.The demand is not meeting supply. Henceforth a target based unique  employment number identity (UEID)system to be introduced so that recuiters can only recruit them who will able to produce the UEID. Strong action have to be taken against the recuiters who will recruit persons without UEID.And this has to be updated that the recruiter and the recruitee has to update in an online based system about their current status. Strong action has to be introduced if they fails to do so. An online pool classifying result driven professionals to be created for this and this can be updated from class X  to post gaduate level. And all has tobe in prublic domain with proper privacy guard.

2) Demand management: 
There are lakhs of research institutions in India . But academia to industry ratio is very low compared to China.This means what is researched in labs are not coming to market and what market is demanding are not researched in laboratories.Here too a system to be introduced where who demands a thing  can get a supplier be it human resorce, knowledge or raw materials or capital for work. This can be even made paid one and has to be kept separated from from the spirit of votebank politics and purely on true sense of atmanirbhar  Bharat. 
3)Target oriented government service:
The government should phasewise introduce result driven jobs in government cadre with a fixed and one variable component . The current system to get slary for any volume of work and falure has to be done away with. The minimum salary should not exceed 10 times the minimum pay that is paid anywhere in the country in private sector. The system of doing away quota and promote talent has tobe the priority.There are lot of reforms to be done in  government job sector that can save crores of public money.

4) Formatting selfemployment based education over job based education
The curriculum of the school and colleges has to be designed in such a manner that the uncertainity of selfemployment will be reduced and it can be treated as good source of livelihood.

5) Change in mrp system: The maximum retail price system(mrp) has to be changed and the companies has to give tax on the price it prints on the product.There should  not be more than 20 percent, or as will be decided by expert committee,  that can be increased for the end customer level irrespective of the hands the goods changes to reach the end consumer.

There are such dozens of loopholes in our system that is  preventing  India to become self dependent. The chief reason is that to implement such tough stand in India will cost the political party their vote share . And it’s an utpian thought that political parties will take such vote reducing steps be it for a better country. 

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