Why Pakistan is worried in killing terrorists in Indian soil by Indian security forces...

Why Pakistan is worried in killing terrorists in Indian soil by Indian security forces ? Indian fighter jets crossed the line of control into Pakistan...

Mission Phani successful

By Our Correspondent India’s mission Fani is successful. With only 8 deaths with a category 3 cyclone India is really the technological peak.Fani, one...

Hang Samir till death : Bongaon court

Arrested Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT) terrorist Sheikh Abdul Nayeem - alias Nomi to be hanged for his antinational activity said a Bongaon court on Saturday.The magistrate...

Tolabazi ( extortion)…our national crime ?    by Our Special Correspondent.

You may heard of national emblem, national animal , national song but what is our national crime ? Tolabazi or extortion is becoming a...

তিতলির আতঙ্কে, ওড়িশা,বাংলাঃ

নীলাদ্রি ভৌমিক: কলকাতা:দেশেরসময়ঃপুজোর মুখে নিম্নচাপের জেরে ঘূর্ণিঝড় 'তিতলি'র আতঙ্কে দিন কাটাচ্ছেন সাধারন মানুষ ওড়িশা থেকে বাংলা ৷এই ঝড়ের জন্য ৬৫-৭৫কিলোমিটার বেগে হাওয়া বইতে...

PICK OF THE DAY : friendship in macro insects world

Photographer- Asesbikram Dastidar. Caption - friendship in macro insects worldBongaonCanonDop 09.08.20 Congratulations: Today your photography COVER Desher Samay PICK OF THE DAY ,Thanks for sharing...

PHOTO Contest Winner (October 2018)

Hello Desher Samay Respectable Members! Have a Nice Day.Thanks to all for submitting in 'The Golden Photo Contest of October 2018" , Thanks again for...

Fanactic Hinduism may backfire  at BJP

Fanatic and extra hardcore Hinduist activity may backfire at BJP. BJP is actually riding on the Hinduism tiger .If fells and if...

Why chances of Mamatabala’s win is more

By Desher Samay: The chances of Mamatabal to score over her BJP rival seems to be more even though BJP will gain substantially in...

Hooch : right administrative decision But why peoples representatives spared ?

By Our Special correspondent Our Special correspondent A police officer -in-charge was closed and 11 excise officer transferred as hooch killed 11 persons at Santipur in...

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