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Welcome to DESHER SAMAY.COM Online Newspaper Ad Booking Portal. Use this portal to book any Ad instantly online for Matrimonial, Property, Recruitment, Public Notice at the lowest rates. Pay via Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking or Cheque.

DESHER SAMAY is the leading bilingual newspaper The newspaper publishes latest news on national and Global affairs, sports, business, entertainment, technology, science, health etc. Desher Samay is read mostly in the Bengali households as it upholds the tradition and culture of Bengal.

The newspaper earned utmost popularity for its matrimonial, recruitment and property classified ads. So it has been the first choice of every advertiser(especially for classified ads) who wishes to reach out to the Bengali speaking community.


Contact us: 9434144737/9733775940

Previous articleচিটফান্ডের পাই পয়সার হিসাব নেওয়া হবে,দিদি তিন তালাকের পক্ষে কেন: জলপাইগুড়িতে আক্রমণ মোদীর
Next articleসাংবিধানিক প্রতিষ্ঠান ভেঙে পড়ার ইঙ্গিত


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