Ordeal of a  penniless covid suspect


by our special correspondent : A 30  year old  male covid positive suspect faced a severe ordeal before he was rescued by some social activists. He however was sent to a quarantine centre at Barrackpore after those activists informed the matter to senior administrative officials of Bongaon.

According to the social worker of Gaighata, Asish Biswas, he and two of his friends came toknow about the youth and pesuaded the adminitrative officer of the block. The youth then taken by a goct ambulance to Bongaon hospital from where he wad sent to another quarantine centre in another subdivision of the district.According to the suspect, he use to work in an eatery where his friends got infected.Then he came to Bongaon fewdays ago loading a vegetable truck. On May 2  he felt unwell as he was running a temperature and having some suffocating sensations.

On the same day he went to Bongaon subdivisional hospital and dictors treating there found him a covid positive suspect and told him to go to ID hospital at Beleghata for further treatment.But he was allowed to go unattended.With no money or provision the youth walked around 15 kilometre to reach his home at Gaighata.But he was not allowed to enter his house by the villagers and was sent back.Inorder to get some help the youth approached Gaighata police station on Monday only alledgedly to be turned back.

In a last resort to get himself treated  he approached Chandpara health centre on May 5. But seeing the prescription the last mile hospital too kept his door shut. Unable to bear the physical problems the youth collspsed neat Thakurnagar hospital and stay there till May 5 night till he was spotted by Biswas and his friends.

Soon after this the local administration was informed and the youth was taken in an government ambulance to Bongaon hospital on May 5 night. Kakoli Mukherjee,  subdivisional officer of Bongaon said to DESHER SAMAY on May 6 afternoon that the youth was shifted to Barrackpore subdivisional hospital and is yet to be tested for covid. 

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