Is Sovon – Ratna episode Altogether a different game?


Our Special Correspondent:Is the game shown by hitherto mayor Sovon Chatterjee and his estranged wife , Ratna is aletogether have a different episode that is still hidden ? As a resultKolkata’s first citizen’s private life is now literally an open book for all to read, interpret, opine, gossip and debate about.Many are of opinion that the Baisakhi Banerjee issue is just been weaved in to remove the focus that is generating this entire fiasco.Thus the great question lies what is fuelling this drama ? Many say a honeytrap type game leading to electoral political expense may also be plausible reason for the entire drama.

The political analysts predict so. The chief reason of their analysis is if yoy can save your head by cutting a finger you will take that small harm on you.Is such thing lies buried in the entire fiasco ? Is any serious compulsion forcing mayor to all these apart from the family problem ? analysts are hinting this as people like Pankaj Bandopadhay too went to political exile due to this. Even Mukul Roy too pushed to that edge but he survived.Like these three several others too “ had to go for a forced exile”while remaining close to the power centre.

Sovan Chatterjee, Mayor of Kolkata and one of the closest aides of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday, hinted that his wife Ratna may be involved in the Narada bribery case.

Chatterjee, recently, Sovan Chatterjee, Mayor of Kolkata and one of the closest aides of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday, hinted that his wife Ratna may be involved in the Narada bribery case.

Chatterjee, recently, filed for divorce from Ratna, who also comes from a family of Mamata loyalists. Chatterjee fell out with the Chief Minister reportedly over his marital discord.

On November 20, the Chief Minister asked him to resign from the posts of both Mayor of Kolkata and Cabinet Minister; Chatterjee is yet to resign from the Mayor’s post

filed for divorce from Ratna, who also comes from a family of Mamata loyalists. Chatterjee fell out with the Chief Minister reportedly over his marital discord.

On November 20, the Chief Minister asked him to resign from the posts of both Mayor of Kolkata and Cabinet Minister; Chatterjee is yet to resign from the Mayor’s post.

Narada Scandal

“There is no evidence against me in the Narada bribery case. However, I am at my wits end to clarify on behalf of Ratna,” he said in a local television interview on Wednesday.

He further alleged that Ratna opened a company — GCR — without his knowledge just to harm his reputation.

A sting operation carried out by the portal, Narada News, ahead of the 2016 Assembly Elections in West Bengal had videos of senior Trinamool Congress leaders — MPs, MLAs and others — accepting cash and promising favours..

Chatterjee went to his Kolkata corporation office for a few minutes on Monday . He returned with a printouts of his resignation letter and went to the chief minister’s principle secretary to offer resignation. He, however, hasn’t dropped any bombshell against his political guru even as sources claimed that the chief minister attempted to mollify him one last time. Chatterjee refused to relent and forwarded his resignation letter to Governor K.N. Tripathi.

However till Thursday Chatterjee did not resign from the post of Kolkata mayor although the chief minister had asked him to do so, suggesting that his decision to quit the cabinet was hardly an impulsive one. The chief minister had issued an order to Corporation Commissioner Khalil Ahmad, asking him to take charge as mayor, but he was unable to do so as Chatterjee enjoys full confidence of the house. According to corporation rules, a majority is required to impeach the mayor and the new mayor should be from among the councilors.

Ratna rebuffed Sovonsaying the Income Tax department and ED needed to look into the mayor’s source of income since, by his own admission, lakhs were being splurged.

In their fits of fury, both the mayor and his wife are treading the dangerous zone of leaking secrets that may land them and their party in trouble.

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