নিস্তব্ধ বনগাঁয় এখন শুধুই পাখির ডাক আর রঙিন ফুলের সমারহো
পার্থ সারথি নন্দী,দেশেরসময়: বসন্ত এখনও রয়েছে। আবহাওয়াটাও বসন্তের মতোই। উত্তর২৪পরগনার বনগাঁ মহকুমার পারমাদন অভয়ারণ্যে তাই এখন ফুলের মেলা। গাছে নির্দিষ্ট সময় জল দেওয়ার জন্য...
Your Shot 📷 Purple Sun bird
Photographer- Asesbikram Dastidar .
🔸Caption :Purple Sun bird,male
Picture taken at Bongaon.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
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Your Shot 📷 Sleeping Buddha
🔸Photographer- Sandip Dey.
🔸Caption :Sleeping Buddha.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
Your Shot 📷 Love
Photographers Soma Debnath.
🔸Caption : Love.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷 Madame de Staël
Photographer-Annamaria Guarino.
🔸Caption : vita assomiglia sovente a un lungo naufragio, i cui unici relitti sono l’amicizia e l’amore.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay...
Daily Shot : 📷 Fighter
BIG CORONA WARRIORS: children trapped in house arrest to stop corona infection. picture taken at Bongaon.
picture-by Partha Sarathi Nandi.
Your Shot 📷 Nest
Photographer - Debasis Roy Karmakar
🔸Caption : Nest.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷 Rumped Sun Bird
Photographer :Asesbikram Dastidar.
🔸Caption:purple- rumped sun bird.
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot
🔸Thanks for sharing your work,...
Your Shot 📷 Desidero partire
Fotographer : Annamaria Guarino
Caption: Desidero partire: non verso le Indie impossibili o verso le grandi isole a Sud di tutto, ma verso un...
Picture by - Partha Sarathi Nandi