Trucks held up at Petrapole for no reason 

by our special correspondent :

Perhaps politics hold up the exim trade with Bangladesh. We used the word perhaps because there is nother plausible reason that could held up this billion dollar trade with Bangladesh for such a long period.According to sources 2103 trucks laden with goods are standing at Petrapole border and 228 Ibdian trucks got stuck at Benapole of Bangladesh and awaiting return.

The most interesting fact is that right from day ine of lockdown central government categorically stated that none should held up the exim trade,  a major source of government revenue.But even after firing three letter misdiles to state chief secretary Rajiva Sinha situation hardly improved. As a result trucks and trade stranded at this border town halting nearly 25 crore trade perday on average between two countries.

While administration and politics to be blamed there are loopholes in the system too.With a faulty ICP ( integrated check post) and no proper system to check the incoming Bangladeshi trucks carrying covid positive patients the things are still at mess at largest landport Petrapole. ” We don’t know how to earn and survive. We are completely clueless about our near.” said Kartick Chakrabarty , a senior post bearer in the stakeholders association . Not only Chakrabarty   several persons who managed to sneak into the covid check system at other part of the border are completely at loss.

” There is hardly any concept of social distancing. all are working together. There is hardly any measure taken to stop  spread of the virus to Indian drivers , helpers who are going other side to clear the goods.” said an exporter.In this backdrop it is very important to know that seven of the 109 LCS have been upgraded as integrated check posts — where immigration and customs officials sit in adjacent buildings for faster clearance of goods and passengers. While LCS lack even basic facilities, ICPs like the one in Petrapole have parking bays, weighbridges, cargo terminals, warehouse facilities, public utility facilities, banks/ATMs, foreign exchange bureaus and cafeterias, among others. Now, the Cabinet Committee on Security is looking to approve a Rs 4,500-crore proposal to improve 13 more land borders, says Anil Bamba, chairman of the Land Ports Authority of India, which coordinates with state and central agencies over passage of passengers and cargo through land borders.

However the goods train between two countries running nirmslly with a train from India crossed the border earlier this week.But this is slso a political set back for BJP as they failed to open up the trade. Trinamul had already demonstrated for the closure of the trade and became successful in their mission. However no initiative was seen on behlaf of local BJP MP, Santanu Thakur or the leaders to put up a agitation in support of the trade.

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