Corona virus may sneak to India via Petrapole


by our special correspondent: The corona virus that had claimed several hundred lives in China and threatened to spread over the world may sneak into India via it’s largest land port , Petrapole. Absence of health scanning infrastructure had increased the risk of people from Bangladesh with the disease may come to this country.
According to the sources working in Petrapole landport many people from bangladesh are coming to India with suspicious heath condition . Absence of proper medical check let the immigration officials to allow these persons with valid visas to come to this country. “But is their physical condition is really the same as they are stating ? Many had high fever and temperature. It is very important for the government to set up a well equipped medical facility for scanning an quarantine of these visitors.” said an official of the Petrapole land port on condition of anonymity.
According to the source many workers from Bangladesh use to go to China and might have returned from there with bad health. As many of them come to India on medical visa there remains a chance that they might bring in the virus through this route.

How to protect yourself?
At present, there is no such vaccine available to protect against novel Coronvirus. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus, here’s how:
1. Refrain yourself from travelling to China.
2. When coughing or sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue-throw tissue away immediately and wash hands.
3. If you choose to wear a mask, be sure to cover both mouth and nose. Avoid touching mask once it’s on.
4. Immediately, discard single-use mask after each use and wash hands after removing mask
5. If you get sick while travelling, inform crew and seek medical care.
6.If you seek medical attention, share travel history with your health care providers.
7. If you have recently travelled from China (within last 14 days) are advised to stay in home for 14 days after their return; sleep in a separate room and limit contract with family members.
What should you do if you come in contact with someone with corona virus?
Watch for the development of acute onset of signs and symptoms, like fever, cough and shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing. If you observe any of the above symptoms visit the nearest health facility for further advice and treatment. Further you must furnish the details of exposure of such patient to your health care worker.
The ministry of health has shared a number of Delhi , +91-11-23979046, to address queries related to corona virus.

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