Daily Shot

অগ্নিশুদ্ধি : ছবিটি তুলেছেন দেবাশিস রায় চৌধুরী ৷

Daily Shot

মেঘ কেটে যেতেই পারদ নেমেছে এক ঝটকায়। আর তাতেই শীতের আমেজ পেতে শুরু করেছে পক্ষীকুল৷ খেজুর রসের সন্ধানে কাঠবিড়ালী আর বৌ কথাকও৷ পেট্টাপোল সীমান্তে...

“The Golden Photo Contest (Nov)2018”

"The Golden Photo Contest (Nov)2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

“The Golden Photo Contest (Nov)2018”

"The Golden Photo Contest (Nov)2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

“The Golden Photo Contest (Nov) 2018”

"The Golden Photo Contest (Nov)2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

“The Golden Photo Contest November 2018”

"The Golden Photo Contest 2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

‘Photo Contest’ ‘November”2018’

"The Golden Photo Contest 2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

‘PHOTO CONTEST’ ‘November’ ‘2018’

"The Golden Photo Contest 2018" "Your entire is usually made up of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes, it's simply boring or completely...

PHOTO Contest Winner (October 2018)

Hello Desher Samay Respectable Members! Have a Nice Day.Thanks to all for submitting in 'The Golden Photo Contest of October 2018" , Thanks again for...

Photo Contest

GOLDEN Photo contest 2018 presented by -DESHER SAMAY

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