Yuor Shot 📷 Breakfast

Photographer- dipak Biswas 🔸Caption :Breakfast 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day. 🔸Upload A Photo for...

Your Shot 📷 Lock Down Lock DownNo body could found,Should I move for prey?Ha...

Photographer-Asesbikram Dastidar 🔸Caption : Lock Down Lock Down No body could found, Should I move for prey? Ha Ha Ha Heh Heh Heh… Spotted Owl Bongaon 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher...

Your Shot 📷 Imparare è sempre ribellione

Photographer-Annamaria Guarino 🔸Caption : Imparare è sempre ribellione. Ogni brandello di nuove verità scoperte è rivoluzionario rispetto a ciò che si era creduto prima.(Margaret Lee...

Your Shot 📷 Cotton Pygmy goose

Photographer-Avijit Biswas 🔸Caption : Cotton Pygmy goose Chupi,Purbasthali, Burdwan..west bengal,India. 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice...

Your Shot 📷 Alo Adhari

Photographer-Supriti Mukherjee 🔸Caption : আলো আধাঁরিnikon D53001/100f5.6ISO 100 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day. 🔸Upload A Photo...

Your Shot 📷 অন্ধকারের ঊৎস হতে ঊৎসারিত আলো

Photographer-Siddhartha Sil. 🔸Caption :অন্ধকারের ঊৎস হতে ঊৎসারিত আলো 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice...

Your Shot 📷 Super Moon

Photographer-Ratan Sinha. 🔸Caption :Super Moon. 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day. 🔸Upload A Photo for Our (fb)DESHER...

Your Shot 📷 Il peggior peccato contro i nostri simili non è l’odio ma...

Fotographer : Annamaria Guarino Caption:Il peggior peccato contro i nostri simili non è l’odio ma l’indifferenza: questa è l’essenza della mancanza di umanità. (George Bernard Shaw) "আমাদের...

Your Shot 📷 Try to fly

Photographer- Debasis Roy Karmakar. 🔸Caption : Try to fly 🔸Congratulations 🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot, 🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day. 🔸Upload...

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