Your Shot: 📸 Liberare se stessi è una cosa, sostenere il peso di quel...
Photographer-Annamaria Guarino
🔸Caption : Liberare se stessi è una cosa, sostenere il peso di quel sé liberato è un altro.(Toni Morrison)
নিজেকে মুক্ত করা এক...
Your Shot : Le stagioni non si spingono l’un l’altra, e nemmeno le nuvole...
Photographer-Annamaria Guarino
🔸Caption Le stagioni non si spingono l’un l’altra, e nemmeno le nuvole fanno a gara col vento attraverso i cieli. Tutte le...
বাংলায় ফের ঝড়–বৃষ্টি, পূর্বাভাস আবহাওয়া দপ্তরের
দেশের সময় ওয়েবডেস্কঃ সবে গিয়েছে আমফান। এখনও বহু জায়গায় বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ নেই। অনেকেই রয়েছেন রাজ্যের ত্রাণ শিবিরে। করোনার মাঝেই ঘূর্ণিঝড় আমফানের দাপটে এখনও ত্রস্ত...
Your Shot : I miracoli sono sogni che diventano luce
Photographer-Annamaria Guarino
🔸Caption : I miracoli sono sogni che diventano luce."অলৌকিক ঘটনা হল স্বপ্ন যা আলো হয়ে যায়!" (অ্যালান ড্রিউ)(Alan Drew).
🔸Today your photography COVER...
Your Shot : Fashion
Photographer- Biswarup Basu
🔸Caption :Afro ~ Fashion
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷Mukutmanipur
Photographer-Atanu Hazra.
🔸Caption :Mukutmanipur
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷 Hide and seek
Photographer-Debasis Roy Karmakar
🔸Caption :Hide and seek
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷 Indian Bullfrog
Photographer-Asesbikram Dastidar
🔸Caption :Its Indian Bullfrog or commonly Indus Valley bullfrog . One of the venomous species across indian subcontinent along with Bangladesh, Myanmar...
Your Shot 📷 Preparation
Photographer- Dipak Biswas
🔸Caption : Preparation
🔸Today your photography COVER Desher Samay 🔘Your Shot,
🔸Thanks for sharing your work, have a nice day.
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Your Shot 📷 The beauty of a smile that is turning the page
Photographer- Annamaria Guarino
🔸Caption : La bellezza di un sorriso che sta voltando pagina.Foto: Annamaria Guarino
The beauty of a smile that is turning the...