About Us

RNI NUMBER: WBBIL/2016/70596

Increasingly, people are becoming busier, and technology is rapidly advancing. In this new era, news is immediate, almost instantly reaching everyone as events unfold. It’s not just a luxury; it’s vital today and a fundamental right for all people.

We can now learn about what’s happening around the globe almost as soon as it occurs. At deshersamay.com, our new website, we cater to this immediacy. We do not favour or oppose anyone. There is no obligation to present someone as a hero or a villain. Our only bias is towards establishing the perfect truth in the court of public opinion.
Our mission is to deliver basic news to the reader. We aim to cover all aspects of society, including politics, entertainment, sports, and daily life, with a focus on the common person—their sorrows, inspirations, and everything in between.

Our platform operates in both Bengali and English languages. Therefore, in addition to global news, we feature content in our native language as well. deshersamay.com is also a platform for poetry, essays, articles, and fiction.

We embrace the rich cultural heritage of Bengal, the sections included for readers are opinions, literature, stories, poems, and a special section is reserved for ‘Art and Photography’. Our hope is that this gallery will become a cherished space for both Bengali and non-Bengali audiences worldwide, showcasing exceptional works of painting and writing.

Every line, every word on our website aims to illuminate the mass. We welcome you to this website, where every moment and every word shines brightly.