New Year Calendar 2025 Released at Siam Logistics Pvt Ltd Office, Kolkata ,West Bengal


Kolkata: The new year begins on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

The New Year Calendar 2025 was officially released on Wednesday at the Siam Logistics Pvt Ltd Office, Kolkata ,West Bengal.

The event was graced by several prominent personalities and officials.

The calendar was unveiled by Artist Mohini Biswas, along with Photo Journalist Mr Jayanta Shaw , Suman Roy (MD, Siam Logistics Pvt Ltd ) . Other notable attendees included.

Arpita Banik was the model for this calendar

Partha Sarathi Nandi worked as Photographer

Community-verified icon

The event witnessed active participation from the community, highlighting the collaboration and unity among various organizations and individuals. The release of the New Year Calendar symbolizes a positive beginning and a commitment to fostering social and community well-being.

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# Arpita Banik

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