Your Shot : Photographer : Annamaria Guarino
Caption : La felicità è un profumo che non puoi versare sugli altri senza che te ne cada qualche goccia addosso(Thomas Mann) ''সুখ একটি...
Your Shot / আলোকচিত্র:
Photographer- Annamaria Guarino.
Caption: I veri angeli sono le persone che in certi momenti compaiono all’improvviso a dare luce alla vita.(Banana Yoshimoto)
Congratulations: Today your photography...
YourShot:আলোকচিত্র কার্মেল তুষার/Carmel Snow
ছবি- ত্রিজিৎ মৌলিক/ photography by- Trijit Moulik. Caption: Elegance is good taste, plus a dash of daring. —Carmel Snow
NIKON D7200,50 mm prime, f1.8,...
আলোকচিত্র/ Your Shot: “ক্যারোলিনা হাঁস বালি”- ছবি অশেষবিক্রম দোস্তিদার
আঁখো হি আঁখো মে ইশারা হো গায়াবৈঠে বৈঠে জিনেকা সাহারা হো গায়া….ক্যারোলিনা হাঁস বালি।
Happy world photography day
19th August is observed as world photography day.The idea behind this day is to bring together the photographers around the world, to create meaningful...
PICK OF THE DAY : friendship in macro insects world
Photographer- Asesbikram Dastidar.
Caption - friendship in macro insects worldBongaonCanonDop 09.08.20
Congratulations: Today your photography COVER Desher Samay PICK OF THE DAY ,Thanks for sharing...
Your Shot: Le fragranze possono essere più di un piacevole accessorio
Photographer- Annamaria Guarino.
Caption - Le fragranze possono essere più di un piacevole accessorio. Un grande profumo è un’opera d’arte. E’ poesia silenziosa, invisibile linguaggio...
PICK OF THE DAY : Blue throated barbet in sunset
Photographer- Asesbikram Dastidar
Caption : –Blue throated barbet in sunset at Bongaon. canon.
Congratulations: Today your photography COVER Desher Samay PICK OF THE DAY ,Thanks...
Your Shot : Macro
Photographer- Supriti Mukherjee
Caption : নয়নের তারায় আহারে, দেখে নয়নতারার বাহার এDate: 7th Aug 20Location: My roofNikon D5300, 18-55 lens, reverse lens technique
Picture of the Day :The art of making a homeand it makes by exchange...
Photographer- Asesbikram Dastidar .
Caption - The art of making a home….and it makes by exchange of mind not by material…..BongaonCanon 7D Mk2.DOP-07.08.2020
Congratulations: Today your...