Maa Durga’s Journey from Kumartuli to the World

Srijita Seal Kolkata

If you step into the lanes of Patuapara in North Kolkata, you might see fully finished idols being prepared for shipment abroad. The countdown for the grand celebration begins with these idols embarking on their journey overseas. With just a few months left for this extravagant festival, the patuas in Kumartuli are busy sending the idols overseas. Beautifully crafted Durga idols can be found in the studios of the clay modelers in Kumartuli during this time.

Renowned idol maker Mintu Pal has received orders for 14 fiberglass idols from foreign countries, some of which have already been shipped. The idols sent abroad are made of fiberglass, and one particular idol is destined for Florida, USA. It is 6 feet tall, while others range from 6 to 8 feet. Previously, Mintu Pal’s idols have been shipped to various countries, including Australia and the UK. The finishing touches are being applied to the idols.

Another idol will be shipped to the neighboring country of Singapore, so there is a bit of time in hand. All these Durga idols are being sent by sea. It takes time to reach their destinations, which is why preparations for the overseas journey have already begun in Kumartuli.

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