Is Gender Equality Enough? Equity is also Essential


“Inspire Inclusion” is this year’s campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024. 

International Women’s Day, Celebrated on March 8th globally to commemorate the struggle for women’s rights and promote gender equality.

Focusing on economic equality, the United Nations declared 2024’s theme ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’.

“She is a multitasker” or “doshobhuja” – meaning ten handed, which symbolizes Maa Durga,This is what society says. Women always juggle all her responsibilities. Often women engage in rapid task switching to keep up with their dreams and the expectations of the society. 

Even though the time’s wheel continues to revolve, but, do you really believe women are naturally included in various fields of work, without facing any thorns in their pave?

Unfortunately there are some limitations that prevent me from saying yes.

During performance reviews, a persistent bias exists where male colleagues, holding equal positions to their female counterparts, might be considered for promotions more readily. This stems from outdated societal assumptions that view women’s work as supplementary income, “just a hobby”, assuming the male partner is the primary breadwinner.

As women’s day is celebrated, the loud voices will resonate in the air, and a long queue will be seen carrying the placards dawned with the words like “inclusion,” “equality,” and more!

True inclusion requires going beyond mere equality to embrace equity. Equity recognises that each person has differential needs and qualities and therefore equity necessitates individualized tailoring of resources and opportunities to ensure everyone has a fair chance to achieve the same outcome. Thus, Solely promoting equality is not a solution.

Spirited demonstrations may erupt on March 8th, People march, throw slogans, but in the next morning paints a distinct picture, the placards lying by the lanes and down the drains. Then the “ding-ding”, of the bell and squeak of the vendor’s bicycle is heard, and throws a paper through the panes.

When the pages of newspaper unfurled, the headline says, “ 2 minors raped by the neighbour”,

or “Rape Complaint: Cops give a clean chit to the Rapist” or “Grand mother arrested for female infanticide “ which makes us stupified.

True progress doesn’t lie solely in a single day of celebration. The spirit of the day will only be successful if the essence of women’s day trickles in the life blood of all mankind and only then can everyday become women’s day.

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