2019 Loksabha -acid test for Indians to choose    The (real)chors and (real) Chowkider


Santanu Bhattacharjee

2019 is the biggest acid test for the people of the country and unless opposition and people in power can put forward their ideas clearly the result may be disastrous.The real trouble is Indian people is really capable to choose real chor and chowkider.

The trouble is Mamata led caterpillar front is telling Modi led comparatively less peded BJP and it’s allies each other chor and chowkider. So how people can decide who is real chor and real chowkider ?The Brigade meeting shows there are many people with politically shady past and flipflops came together.Congress clarified it is hesitant to go single or be an engine of this caterpillar front o regional parties.

Ideally people should not vote regional parties to form central government.Because in the age of immoral politics regional parties will tear apart the country for development for the region they came.So in age of these sub standard politics people should vote a party in centre and politically different party in their state or region to keep a check and balance.

People should remember the past of the leaders as history repeats itself.Another thing is also clear that a person or team that cannot run a state properly will poorly run bigger responsibilities.

1. What should government do?

Government plays an indispensable role in a healthy community, but this does not mean that everything a community needs to be healthy is government’s responsibility. Government expresses society’s understanding of justice and enacts judgment in light of that understanding. Government’s task is to articulate the rights and duties of citizens and protect them from threats. This is very different from the belief that government should create rights or exercise people’s duties for them through programs that replace individual and community initiatives.

How to Research Candidates

When deciding who to vote for, there are many things to consider. It’s important to:

Decide what strengths you’re looking for in a candidate.

Research their positions on the issues.

Learn about their leadership skills.

Recognize distortions in the information and opinions they express.

know your candidates. Know who they are and what party they are representing.

Visit their offices in their electorates, ridings, zones, areas, etc. Ask to meet with your local representative.

Go to “meet the candidate” events hosted in your area. This will give you the opportunity to meet them and to listen to their policies.

Follow their Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Watch them in action in the legislature, lower/upper house, council chamber, parliament, or wherever they appear. Some countries, states, and provinces have televised debates or parliamentary/legislative sessions. Some have select committee sessions open to viewing (you can visit in person or watch online or on TV). Some provide YouTube clips or their own viewing portals. Contact your local representative to find out what is available for you in terms of direct viewing.

Don’t vote for someone just because they’re a part of a certain party.

There have been many great leaders from the main parties, and their greatness has been based on their abilities/skills, their knowledge, their experience and their intellectual prowess. Don’t let their title or party membership sway you. Look for someone who is capable, competent and responsible, who is willing to put people before power.

Don’t vote based on what others are doing. Go with your gut and the knowledge you’ve gleaned from doing your research. Do listen to what others have to say––it is important to gauge what others feel and think but you must still reach an opinion based on what you know, think and feel is the right choice.

Make sure that the candidate you are voting for has addressed every issue. If they try to change the subject when a certain issue comes up or they don’t even pay attention to that issue, they’re not the candidate you want. They are going to be slick avoiders, which is stage management, not political progress. You want a leader who will address every issue, no matter what, no matter how hard, no matter how tedious and most of all, no matter how unglamorous

What should limit government’s authority?

“If angels were to govern men,” wrote James Madison, “neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” But even if political authorities were angels, there would still be limits on what government should and should not do.

In this sense, government power is inherently limited by the role of other social institutions, such as families, religious congregations, schools, and businesses. The rightful authority of these institutions helps to check the authority of the state.

Government’s formal authority is restrained by its primary purpose (see question #1). Government is supposed to protect the ability of individuals and social institutions to exercise legitimate authority within their own particular areas of influence without unjust interference from other institutions. If the government is supposed to protect this freedom for citizens, its power to intrude must be subject to clearly defined limits. Such limits are defined in the United States Constitution and individual state constitutions.

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